March 21, 2014 I walked out of the office tower with a huge smile and a bag full of memories. So far retired life has been amazing. By retired I mean my day now belongs to me, my focus and direction are my own choosing, my priorities are clear and I have the time to dream bigger than ever. Everyday feels like Saturday.
Preparing to open YogaVision Centre has been a lifetime in the making. The step-by-step, hour to hour activities are unfolding with speed and precision. I serve myself best when i imagine the best possible outcome and expect just that. I have my meditations to thank for that. This one in particular:
Transformation is in the air. Spring is a tangible expression of how all of this feels… light, fresh, and a renewed sense of purpose. This three week period between the last day and the opening day are an opportunity to reflect and gather momentum. When fear or doubt show up, I switch my thoughts to what is working and what I am excited about. It works every single time.
I’m most looking forward to expanding the potential of YogaVision – more teachers, more experiences of the teachings, a new space to shape, a new community to serve here in Mississauga and beyond. This is an opportunity to run my business according to Yogic principles with people I love and care for. Working in my practice space also means easy and daily access to Yoga taught by powerful teachers. It’s all very exciting. Can you feel it too?
As we approach opening day, Saturday, April 12, watch for changes on our website – and our FaceBook page and twitter feed.
Drop by and say hello, drop your mat down and practice. Enjoy all the fruits of spiritual direction, a clear mind and a healthy body.
See you on April 12.