The Junta in Burma knows one thing well,- don’t bite the hand that feeds you! But for Chinese journalists, Burma has banned international observers and journalists from monitoring and covering the upcoming election. It is clear that the Junta is coming under severe international pressure and agreed to host elections, though flawed from the beginning. Suu Kyi release date was changed to be post election, banned from contesting, political rallies restricted and now the biggest blow- Foreign journalists banned from covering the elections.
It is clear the Junta does not want the outside world to see how they are going to rig the election and stop people from voting. Interestingly only China’s state-run Xinhua News Agency has permission to employ foreign nationals in the country.
Canada along with US, UK, Australia and many other western countries called for UN Commission of Inquiry on Burma on Human rights abuses in Burma and our biggest supporter is none other than Obama and Clinton. In all fairness, we have been fortunate in Canada too. The ruling Conservatives gave honorary citizenship to Suu Kyi and supported recent international moves to force the Junta towards democracy and the opposition with Michael Ignatieff and Bob Rae are a formidable team, who are well known and respected for their opinion on foreign policy.
In fact Michael Ignatieff is known and well respected in the pro-democracy circles for his intellect. While we are disappointed with the ruling of the Junta in banning foreign journalists, we will and should continue to strive for democracy in Burma through international sanctions, persuading China and India and support to peaceful pro democracy groups.
To follow the elections in Burma, The Irrawady Burma Election To follow on Twitter, you have a full list on my Twitter . If you are a Canadian journalist you can contact us at Canadian Friends of Burma (CFOB)
We have lost everything in Burma, but there is still Hope and there is……Suu Kyi!
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