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I would tend to agree with you, Niru. While Chinese kids get top marks and get into university, they come out without poor communications skills, which are the key to career success. I generalize, of course, but Tiger Moms breed children who have no communicatiosn skills.

On the other hand, speaking as white male parent with a Brit background, I can also attest to my parents pushing strongly for us to achieve academic and employment success.

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I agree with you and the previous comment, Chinese kids excel in academia, but they fall short in almost everything else - you have to have a balance. Life is about more than just your academic intellect and you sell your kids short if you dont give them a well-rounded childhood.

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okay, I'm not too familiar with the merits and pitfalls of Chinese kids skills and attributes etc. But what I'd like to say is that you know balance is important and spreads its very oppressive nature of the society that they grow up in it makes them so dysfunctional.maybe then all that Communist mentality really doesn't work well with these kids...

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love the images here of the bears the polar bears. They are so cute. While I've never ever seen them in the wild, I have seen them in the Johannesburg zoo in South Africa – that's a long way away from home. If the Chinese are doing things to promote wildlife preservation efforts, then more power to them.

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Being good at something is great but as much as possible these Chinese kids should broaden their knowledge and challenge themselves in excelling in other fields other than business and math.

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thank you for share!

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